Mind, body, emotions (MBE) coaching works with all parts of you.
It’s ground-breaking in that it harnesses the power of your mind, the intelligence of your heart and the wisdom of your body allowing us to go deeper faster.
We will accurately target what’s blocking you so that we can immediately make the swift changes necessary for you so that you can realise what you desire.
“The more space we create for our clients to be who they are, the more likely they are to discover what they want to be.”
I use a unique combination of ground-breaking techniques informed by modern psychology and proven by the latest neuroscience to leverage the power of your mind.
We’ll employ the strong mental focus of your mind to dive deep into the vision of what you want and to craft a strategic blueprint with practical steps informed by real-time data to move you forward starting from day one.
We’ll leverage the power of your mind. And yours, my fellow high-achiever, is a sharp one. I’ll use a unique combination of ground-breaking techniques informed by modern psychology and proven by cutting-edge neuroscience to break you through.
In the very first session you’ll experience the precision and efficiency that comes with working with bio feedback from the body.
We’ll laser in on the root of what’s really holding you back via a methodology that translates the sensations you experience in your body to critical information that takes years of talk therapy to get to – if ever.
Your body stores everything – including the keys what it will take to move you over the line and into healthy relationship.
You will learn to connect to, feel deeply, read and understand your emotions rather than fear your feelings.
You’ll tap into your emotions and really feel them in your body in order to understand what is really going on. And what you need to do to take care of yourself with compassion so you can step back into your power.
With the help of ancient practices from the Tantric and Taoist wisdom traditions you’ll learn to work with mind, body and emotions together to experience profound connection in sex and the deepest states of pleasure available to you.
An unique, integrated approach
Your journey is completely customised as I select for each individual the combination of MBE practices that will bring the best results for them.
MBE Coaching combines the following approaches and practices expertly selected by me for each individual. My practice is informed by the following:
Modern psychology
Neuroscience based approach
Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
Gestalt therapy
Somatic / body-based techniques
Trauma release
Embodied affirmations
Tantric and taoist sexuality
Shamanic clearing practices
Energetic healing
“The body records all personal history, even if the conscious mind does not.”
If you want to change something big, you must change it on the level of the mind where it was created.
All negative conditioning around relationships and sex is created deep in the mind at the limbic and ancient brain levels.
Talk therapy and counselling works only up to a point for a lot of us. It help to process things that sit on the level of your mind that is conscious, logical, thinking, and analytical.
Beyond that is where the root of the issue often lies. And it is this part of you that we access.
If you could have rationally thought your way into a healthy relationship and fiery hot sex life, then you would have probably done that already.
So if you have done talk therapy or counselling to try and resolve it and haven’t experienced lasting change and transformation in your sex and relationships life, it’s because you need to go deeper.
If you’re new to MBE coaching don’t worry – I’ve got you covered
As highly successful professionals we are used to being in our heads most of time.
Which is great. Because we’re pretty smart. And our brains work well.
Only thing is that if we want the deep lasting change that we are looking for, we need to harness the intelligence of the body as well.
And so in the work that we do together, I’ll bring you back to the body time and again. This means that I’ll ask you what you are feeling on a physical level even as we tap into the thoughts in your mind and track the emotions you experience.
We’ll connect mind, body and heart in such a way that you’ll feel a complete sense of self - and with that, a true self-confidence that is unshakable. It comes from the inside out.
I’ll talk you through practices that ask you to move your body, to breathe in new ways, to use your voice like you never have before. You’ll learn a completely new way of working with and relating to who and how you are.
And thank god for that!
I’m here to save you YEARS of time. Of trying to figure it out in your head. Or of playing the numbers game of tons of swipes and endless dead-end dates until one finally works out. Of talking in circles around it all and getting no where.
What you learn in our time together will last a lifetime.
All of us matters – in love, in relationships, and especially in sex.